Jungle World

What a day!
On the weekend we went to "Abenteuer Dschungelland" ( adventure jungle land). It is a kind of indoor- playground-adventure-zoo-thing.
In the entry there are some terrariums with amphibians and spiders and that stuff  and then you get into a great area, where you can do climbing, gold-washing (realy :-) ), do a high rope course and a lot more!
It is great for kids but also for adults! Because everything kids can do is build big enough to go with them. So I crawled through little tunnels and slided down a wave slide and climbed / jumped on a giant jumping-air-bubble-hill-thing.
And I went through the high rope course and holy cow I felt like dieing or pass out or something! That was so high, ok I wore one of these tiny little protectors, but there was just ONE safety bond to catch me!! I wanted ten of them or at least three, but ONE!! JEEEEE..................
It was real fun but I was scared the shit out of me! But I had to play the braveheart, because my niece was even scareder! Thats the point I didn´t climb through this horror-scene alone, NO! I was with my niece and my teenie on that pain in the knee! :-)
So the whole course was about " great sweety! you doing that well! Just one feet after the other! Don´t look down! I´m sooo proud of you! Yes, just a little swinging and then you can reach the next (little) trunk!"
And who cheerleads me?? LOL
There was just one chance for me - be fast, dont look back, don´t look down, and remeber your climbing in trees time in childhood :-)

I will never do that again - no way! BUT IT WAS FUN! LOL


  1. hi mirja, schön, dass du meine leserin geworden bist!
    ich bin als kind auch leidenschaftlich gern geklettert, kein baum und kein felsen war vor mir sicher! ob ich's allerdings heute nochmal wagen würde, weiß ich nicht so recht. toll, dass du es gemacht hast!
    liebe grüße von mano

    1. Vielen vielen Dank für das große Lob! :-) Ich dachte das kann ja nicht so schlimm sein,so kann man sich täuschen!hahaha
      Danke dass du meinen Blog besucht hast!
