
it is all about the scarfs

Hi everyone,
today is wednesday and of course I have to link up with the wardrobe wednesday girls!lol
Today I just rummage around my pics and found a little interesting thing - I wear scarfs a lot!
Ok, now it is time for you to laugh, but I didn´t notice that. I know, that I do have a lot of them, but I never thought about the fact, that I also wear them nearly every day :-) hm... I should think about that! :-)
So what do you think about wearing scarfs?
Here I´d like to show you two collages of some scarf-moments I had, even in my pregnancy and on my wedding I wore them - crazy!



  1. I love scarves too! I have a really huge collection, and people know I love them so they buy me more. Now I probably have too many ;) Thanks for commenting on my blog so I could find yours!!! ~Sarah

  2. Those scarves are great you wear them well

  3. Sometimes I feel pretty with a scarf... and sometimes I feel too chesty! Depends on the scarf... but probably, more so, on my mood... They look good on you.

  4. Love the hug variety of scarves you own, and the endless why you style them! So much better than just wrapping them around your neck. They definitely suit you...J

  5. Realizing you haven't posted for a while... hope everything is okay with you.
