What a sunny day!

Do you know that??
It is half past eight in the morning and your baby-daughter sits next to your pillow, telling you, that she is awake and likes to eat a yogurt now, which she can´t do without my help, she can´t reach the fridgedoor - pity for me!! :-)
Ok, so you open your eyes (tired, because you were much to late in bed the night before) and feel, that this will be the first hard day of a big cold - rolling towards you. But there is a yogurt be wished so you stand up, go to bath, dress, take a yogurt, sit down on the sofa to drink your tea and take a look out of the window....... and there it is......... a wonderfull clear blue sky and the sunshine sparkling at your terrace.... and "puff" all the bad mood, the cold, the tiredness is gone and you know, that this will be a wonderfull God-given day, on which your are sick, but IN THE SUN!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!

It was such a wonderfull day today! My hubs cleaned his new T3vanagon, so we can drive camping next week - Yippee 2!!

We ( me, our teen, the neighbours) helped and all the kids of our block played in the sun and climbed around my working love ( he was cool with that) :-)
In the evening we had a big barbecue - what a nice end for a lovely day!

Hope your saturday was as great as ours!!

Ring-carrier DIY

Ok, here we go,
how I told you the day before yesterday, I finished my new ring-carrier. It looks a bit strange, like something made of stones or something like that, but I love it. The colours and different materials of my ring look really great on this backround! But judge yourself! :-)

1. Ok, first of all you need a base, on which you like to create your carrier. I took one of my canvas I usually use for my portraits. You also need an egg carton, a knife, structure- texture paste (different grain size / white or grey), superglue (for paper!!), acryl paint ( what colour you like) and a spray finish ( i took a matt finish, bcause I don´t like it to shiny).

 2. On step one, you take the egg carton and cut out the pieces you like the design of, and glue them with the super glue on your base just the way you like. The only important thing: you should be sure, that there is a place to stick your ring in later.

3. Just a minute later your pieces are constant on the base and you cant start with the smudgy part of this creation. Cover the egg carton pieces with the texture paste. You can take a different grain on every piece, so that it looks a bit more interesting in the end. If you got some holes or little caves just put the paste in them!
Now there is nearly a day or two to wait, till the paste (even in the holes) is completely dry!

looks a bit like noses, doesn´t it?! :-)

4. After the drying phase, take your colours and start painting the whole thing, how ever you like. I took a greyish style, because I want it to look like stones or something like that :-)

Now it is VERY IMPORTANT NOT (!!!!) to use the finish, because after an other drying phase you have to make some cut-outs, and you can´t do them, if you spayed it before.

5. Now you can see the goal line, if your creation is completely dried, take the knife and cut some pockets out. Caution! They have to fit with your rings!

6. That´s it! The spray-Finish and it is done! I hanged mine next to my other selfmade jewelry-carriers.
Have fun!!!



Jippijajey it´s friday and an other week is gone and brings me nearer to my new house!
The last week was a bit stressfull, because we all had a cold one after the other and this night it came back to me..... grrr! My throat aches, but hey.... it is weekend and they told, that there will be 25°C so, who cares about a cold??!!

so here are my FIVES:


you know that? In German it´s called KLATSCHBRÖTCHEN :-) In english it may be chocolate marshmallow in a bun. I know that sounds weird and it is!! I love that!We had one yesterday, and it was like a wonderfull flashback into my childhood!


We signed our hire contract!!!!!!! Jaaaaaaaaaaa!
So in September, wo move into our house!!!!


I finished a puzzle for Lucy and she loves it! there will be a tutorial in a few days!


I bought this wonderfull lamp at IKEA. Love it!

5. I started my blog!! Very thrilling!!!!

Have a nice Weekend!!!

Oh Oh and HI!

Hi everybody,
I´m Mirja and just started my blog yesterday. Since nearly an hour I try to post some photos on the "who am I" thing here, but it is not that easy, because Blogger really doesn´t work like I want it to do.
Altough I´m pretty sure, that nobody except my mum, will read this, I want to design and fill it like I want - so Blogspot is just on the way to get kicked :-)
Maybe I should be nice and considder that is 1:23 in the morning and everybody went to bed.... could be, that my computer is a day-something and not a night- one, THAT could be!!
No really, there will just one more try and then I go to bed too!!
Tomorrow I will add my first DIY - so Blogger will- !
It´s a bit exciting. because we will move in september, and everything I draw, build, create... is for our new house! Yeeeeeeha! My first house to style on my own............ feel like a pig in the shit!
So tomorrow there will be the DIY tutorial of my self invented ring-carrier, which is a combination of a sculpture-picture-painting thing.... very cool!
I really had to organize my jewelry, there are so many pieces I do love and never find, so I wanted a nice system to keep and find them .-)
But you will see - I hope!!
So see ya tomorrow! ( ok - later today!!)